May news
- Note: there is no Yin Yoga class on Tuesday, May 2
- Note: there is no Foundational Hatha Yoga class on Wednesday, May 17
- Note: there is no Gentle Morning Yoga class on Wednesday, May 31
- Last note Please feel free to register for the next free Mindful Morning session on Saturday, May 6, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at the Olean Meditation Center. Experience an all levels hatha yoga class led by me, followed by a guided mindfulness meditation facilitated by Max Jensen, and then finished with a 30-minute sound bath with Celine Daly. More info and to hold your free spot HERE
May, more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel most alive. - Fennel Hudson
Isn't that so true????? It seems like not only does the Earth burst forth in bloom, bird song, regrowth, and warmth, but so do we. I often feel like I've come fully back to life in May after the dormancy of the colder, darker months. And if you're like me, as suddenly as the Earth blossoms, so does my to-do list. I seem to start everything all at once with intentions focused on our garden, outdoor living, house repairs, hiking, biking, kayaking, socializing, and more and more. All this on top of a full-time day job and my yoga teaching schedule! And to add to this year's annual do-all spring frenzy, we are becoming first-time chicken parents in June and are in the process of building the hens a coop and run. Yikes! What were we thinking???
And as fast as the annual May frenzy bursts forth, so does my annual May sense of being overwhelmed, stressed, anxious with tasks not completed and activities not yet started, and feeling like I can't keep up with all that I want to do. But the reality is this (and it's taken me decades to understand this!): I. Don't. Have. To. Do. Everything. There, I said it. My anxiety and sense of being overwhelmed stems from my faulty sense of wanting to do certain things, whether it's from societal norms, familial norms, or just my own contrived norms. I think many of us experienced the difference between want and need while we were in the early stages of the pandemic and settled in our home spaces for lengths of time. My awareness of SELF blossomed multifold as the chaos of the daily work-life and social engagements nearly stood still. That quiet time of introspection and navigating through a world newly-shaped by the pandemic provided time for me to dive deeper into reading and embodying yoga's ancient texts and to contemplate on my own self-needs, self-wants, self-care, and self-compassion. So I've let go of many things that I wanted to do and replaced them with things that I really need to do for myself, and you know what? I've slowed down and appreciated so many more of life's gifts and prioritized opportunities to be with friends and family that would not have happened if I was over-busy doing all that I thought I wanted to do. So as our Earth beautifully awakens from winter's dormancy and unfolds as she needs to do, I wish you the same kind of blossoming into the season, into your life, into your own balance of needs vs. wants.
Be sure to check my website under the "classes" tab for more description on each of the classes and styles of yoga I offer and more explanation of what each level means. I'll add the Oncology Yoga description to the website soon, and watch for classes beginning this summer for students in current cancer treatment and cancer survivorship. As always, I love your questions and welcome them about any topic or concern at any time.
Thank you for the opportunity to practice, teach, and learn right alongside you. Through my role as a yoga teacher, my students enlighten me in myriad ways and shower me with untold blessings. Thank you, dear ones, for every opportunity to share space and time with you. I welcome new students at any time on Zoom and in-studio. Feel free to invite a friend to class - their first class with me is always as my guest.
Well wishes, everyone!